Socio-Economic Questions

Aquinas versus Marx: Three Essays by Professor Alfred O'Rahilly . . .

1) Introduction

2) The So-Called Labour Theory of Value

3) Aristotle and Aquinas

Utopia of Usurers and Other Essays by G. K. Chesterton

"The Catholic Land Movement" by Fr. Vincent McNabb

"Modern Heresies and the Catholic Land Ideal" by Peter J. Martin

"Unwrapping Our “Best Kept Secret:” A Critical Review of Some Best-Selling Textbooks in Catholic Social Teaching" by Stephen Sharkey

Marriage and the Family

"Co-Operating with Homosexuality" by Fr. Brian Harrison

"The Ex Cathedra Status of the Encyclical Humanae Vitae" by Fr. Brian Harrison

"Humanae Vitae: Charter of the Family and the Catholic Faith" by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J.

"Our Gravest Moral Responsibility: To Convert the Contraceptive Mentality" by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J.

Notification Concerning Men's Dress Worn by Women: Gieuseppe Cardinal Siri

Church and State

The Servile State by Hillaire Belloc

"Pius IX, Vatican II, and Religious Liberty," by Fr. Brian Harrison

Religious Liberty: "Rights" versus "Tolerance" by Fr. Brian Harrison

"John Courtney Murray: A Reliable Interpreter of Dignitatis Humanae? (Part I)" by Fr. Brian Harrison

"John Courtney Murray: A Reliable Interpreter of Dignitatis Humanae? (Part II)" by Fr. Brian Harrison

"Atheistic Communism: The Destruction of Human Person, Family, Civilized Society" by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J.

"Government and the Rights of Man," by G. K. Chesterton

"Democracy and Industrialism," by G. K. Chesterton

"The Ideal of A Leisure State," by G. K. Chesterton

"Saint Thomas Aquinas and the Idea of the Common Good" by Aaron K Taylor


"The Art of Forming the Conscience of a Child" by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J.

"Classical vs. Modern Education: The Principal Difference" by Patrick Carmack

"Psychology and Christian Chastity: A Catholic Evaluation of Sex Education" by Fr. John Hardon, S.J.

Other Social Issues

"Just War and the Pacifist Offensive on Sovereignty," by the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property

"The Death Penalty: A Right to Life Issue" by Avery Cardinal Dulles

"Catholicism and Capital Punishment" by Avery Cardinal Dulles

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